Recommended Reading
Are you looking for more information on the Christian faith? On Lutheranism? On the liturgy? Here is a good place to begin, a list of "essentials" for your growth in knowledge about the faith.
The Lutheran Study Bible - the Holy Bible with study notes that help explain the Bible by helping you explore the Scriptures. It also includes notes from well-known and highly respected theologians, historians, and other scholars. Available in print or in a variety of digital formats.
Luther's Small Catechism with Explanation - The basics of the Christian faith in a simple, memorizable format. We use this tool for instructing young and old alike.
Luther's Large Catechism - A different take on the six chief parts of the Christian faith. Luther wrote his Large Catechism in a more explanatory style. This is a good introduction to Luther's writing style.
The Book of Concord (Reader's Edition) - This reader's edition of the Book of Concord helps the new reader of this work understand the history and the contents. Very helpful notes introduce all areas of the book, explaining the key questions--who, why, when.
The Book of Concord - This book contains the Confessions of the Evangelical-Lutheran Church. This edition is a more scholarly edition than the Reader's Edition above, offering deeper explanations of the text itself.
Law and Gospel: How to Read and Apply the Bible - An updated version of C.F.W. Walther's classic work. It teaches the Christian how to rightly divide the Word of God.
Treasury of Daily Prayer - A comprehensive "one stop shop" for daily devotions. For each day you will find Psalms, Scripture readings, meditations, hymn stanzas, and prayers. It also contains the prayer services of Matins, Vespers, and Compline, as well as other liturgical resources to round out a rich devotional life. This book also has companion volumes that take you through the Old Testament, New Testament, and Church Fathers. It also has an app (Pray Now) for iOS and Android, as well as a CD of the liturgical material.
Lutheran Book of Prayer - This perennial favorite is a good source for prayers for the Church, the nation, the family, as well as other occasions like times or joy, need, illness, holidays, and the like.
God With Us: Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany Sermons - A collection of sermons for the Time of Christmas from the Rev. David Petersen of Redeemer Lutheran Church, Fort Wayne, Indiana. Pastor Petersen is one of the finest preachers in the Missouri Synod today.
Thy Kingdom Come: Lent and Easter Sermons - A second volume of Pastor Petersen's sermons, taking you through the Time of Easter.
Every Day Will I Bless Thee: Meditations for the Daily Office - This devotional by Pastor Burnell Eckardt presents a reading and meditation for each day of the Church Year. Pastor Eckardt's outstanding Christ-centered explanations opens Scripture to its proper interpretation in Christ.
Lutheran Service Book - The newest hymnal of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod.
Why? A Layman's Guide to the Liturgy - This book is a compilation of newsletter and bulletin articles aimed at explaining church and liturgy at a fundamental level.
An Explanation of the Common Service - This short book explains the liturgy in detail, as well as other aspects of the church. It is a classic that has been resurrected by Emmanuel Press.
Celebrating the Saints - This book explains the Lutheran liturgical calendar as found in Lutheran Service Book. It also gives brief biographies of each person commemorated on the Lutheran calendar.
Ceremony and Celebration - Though this classic by the Rev. Paul H.D. Lang is aimed more at the Pastor and other church workers who lead the Divine Service, it is a wonderful commentary on the physical elements (church architecture, sacred vessels, candles, etc.) and physical movements (standing, kneeling, crossing oneself, etc.) of the Divine Service that would greatly benefit the layman who wants to know more about why the Church worships the way she does.
What an Altar Guild Should Know - This book is a good companion to Ceremony and Celebration. It is directed at the Altar Guild and others who want to know about the reverent care of God's House and why we do what we do.
The Lutheran Difference - This began as an 18 booklet Bible Study series that has been gathered into one book that helps explore the Christian faith, showing how Lutheranism relies on Scripture alone and keeps Christ at the center, something other denominations do not do.
The Hammer of God - A compelling historical novel by Swedish Lutheran bishop, Bo Giertz. It shows Lutheran theology in action!
The Spirituality of the Cross - This book explains justification by God's grace through faith, the means of grace, vocation, the theology of the cross, the two kingdoms, worship, and the Church in an accessible and readable format.
Why I Am a Lutheran: Jesus at the Center - Drawing on over 20 years of Pastoral experience, Rev. Daniel Preus unpacks the foundational doctrine of Christian theology - Jesus Christ at the center.
The Fire and the Staff: Lutheran Theology in Practice - A deeper look at Lutheran theology and practice, showing their relation to one another.
The Lutheran Study Bible - the Holy Bible with study notes that help explain the Bible by helping you explore the Scriptures. It also includes notes from well-known and highly respected theologians, historians, and other scholars. Available in print or in a variety of digital formats.
Luther's Small Catechism with Explanation - The basics of the Christian faith in a simple, memorizable format. We use this tool for instructing young and old alike.
Luther's Large Catechism - A different take on the six chief parts of the Christian faith. Luther wrote his Large Catechism in a more explanatory style. This is a good introduction to Luther's writing style.
The Book of Concord (Reader's Edition) - This reader's edition of the Book of Concord helps the new reader of this work understand the history and the contents. Very helpful notes introduce all areas of the book, explaining the key questions--who, why, when.
The Book of Concord - This book contains the Confessions of the Evangelical-Lutheran Church. This edition is a more scholarly edition than the Reader's Edition above, offering deeper explanations of the text itself.
Law and Gospel: How to Read and Apply the Bible - An updated version of C.F.W. Walther's classic work. It teaches the Christian how to rightly divide the Word of God.
Treasury of Daily Prayer - A comprehensive "one stop shop" for daily devotions. For each day you will find Psalms, Scripture readings, meditations, hymn stanzas, and prayers. It also contains the prayer services of Matins, Vespers, and Compline, as well as other liturgical resources to round out a rich devotional life. This book also has companion volumes that take you through the Old Testament, New Testament, and Church Fathers. It also has an app (Pray Now) for iOS and Android, as well as a CD of the liturgical material.
Lutheran Book of Prayer - This perennial favorite is a good source for prayers for the Church, the nation, the family, as well as other occasions like times or joy, need, illness, holidays, and the like.
God With Us: Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany Sermons - A collection of sermons for the Time of Christmas from the Rev. David Petersen of Redeemer Lutheran Church, Fort Wayne, Indiana. Pastor Petersen is one of the finest preachers in the Missouri Synod today.
Thy Kingdom Come: Lent and Easter Sermons - A second volume of Pastor Petersen's sermons, taking you through the Time of Easter.
Every Day Will I Bless Thee: Meditations for the Daily Office - This devotional by Pastor Burnell Eckardt presents a reading and meditation for each day of the Church Year. Pastor Eckardt's outstanding Christ-centered explanations opens Scripture to its proper interpretation in Christ.
Lutheran Service Book - The newest hymnal of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod.
Why? A Layman's Guide to the Liturgy - This book is a compilation of newsletter and bulletin articles aimed at explaining church and liturgy at a fundamental level.
An Explanation of the Common Service - This short book explains the liturgy in detail, as well as other aspects of the church. It is a classic that has been resurrected by Emmanuel Press.
Celebrating the Saints - This book explains the Lutheran liturgical calendar as found in Lutheran Service Book. It also gives brief biographies of each person commemorated on the Lutheran calendar.
Ceremony and Celebration - Though this classic by the Rev. Paul H.D. Lang is aimed more at the Pastor and other church workers who lead the Divine Service, it is a wonderful commentary on the physical elements (church architecture, sacred vessels, candles, etc.) and physical movements (standing, kneeling, crossing oneself, etc.) of the Divine Service that would greatly benefit the layman who wants to know more about why the Church worships the way she does.
What an Altar Guild Should Know - This book is a good companion to Ceremony and Celebration. It is directed at the Altar Guild and others who want to know about the reverent care of God's House and why we do what we do.
The Lutheran Difference - This began as an 18 booklet Bible Study series that has been gathered into one book that helps explore the Christian faith, showing how Lutheranism relies on Scripture alone and keeps Christ at the center, something other denominations do not do.
The Hammer of God - A compelling historical novel by Swedish Lutheran bishop, Bo Giertz. It shows Lutheran theology in action!
The Spirituality of the Cross - This book explains justification by God's grace through faith, the means of grace, vocation, the theology of the cross, the two kingdoms, worship, and the Church in an accessible and readable format.
Why I Am a Lutheran: Jesus at the Center - Drawing on over 20 years of Pastoral experience, Rev. Daniel Preus unpacks the foundational doctrine of Christian theology - Jesus Christ at the center.
The Fire and the Staff: Lutheran Theology in Practice - A deeper look at Lutheran theology and practice, showing their relation to one another.